Gunung Belanda – On this occasion I will share information about Specifications Juli 2023 mixue tumbler mixue botol minum snow king For readers who need articles as knowledge for us.
mixue tumbler mixue botol minum snow king |
Administrator GB Verified experts strive to provide the best information for you for the common good in improving learning at the Dutch Mountain site, related Specifications Juli 2023 mixue tumbler mixue botol minum snow king It can be noted below what if it is not pleasing to your heart, apologize as much as possible, give the best input we are waiting for in the comments.
Specifications Produk |
Judul | Specifications mixue tumbler mixue botol minum snow king Juli 2023 |
Harga | IDR 26800 |
Deskripsi | Specifications NOTE : TIDAK TERMASUK SEDOTAN BPA Free, Material : Bottle Body : PET Bottle Cover : K-resin Cape : PP Shoulder Strap : Polyester fibre Buckle : Silicon Dimensi : Tinggi : 15 cm Diameter Body : 11.6 cm Cup Calibre : 3.8 cm Kapasitas : 700 ml TUMBLER MIXUE Botol minum yang sangat lucu, dengan motif boneka salju khas Mixue. Cocok dipakai untuk minuman segar seperti susu segar, milk tea, tea, ataupun infused water. Selain itu juga cocok dipakai sebagai pajangan (diisi butiran styrofoam putih atau kelereng) Jauhkan dari suhu tinggi dan kontak api langsung. Hindari kontak dengan benda tajam, botol minum ini dapat menampung minuman dengan suhu di bawah 60 derajat celcius. Hanya dicuci dengan tangan, Cuci dengan air dingin atau air hangat dengan deterjen netral sebelum dipakai dan keringkan dengan posisi terbalik. |
The ending of my article entitled Specifications mixue tumbler mixue botol minum snow king Juli 2023 Don’t forget to share as much as possible so that others don’t miss the info from you, spread one kindness will be useful for our brothers, thank you to meet again next time 🙂
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