Gunung Belanda – On this occasion I will share information about Specifications Juli 2023 Kabel data micro Luna C152TM cable usb fast charging 2.4A GARANSI RESMI LUNA For readers who need articles as knowledge for us.
Kabel data micro Luna C152TM cable usb fast charging 2.4A GARANSI RESMI LUNA |
Administrator GB Verified experts strive to provide the best information for you for the common good in improving learning at the Dutch Mountain site, related Specifications Juli 2023 Kabel data micro Luna C152TM cable usb fast charging 2.4A GARANSI RESMI LUNA It can be noted below what if it is not pleasing to your heart, apologize as much as possible, give the best input we are waiting for in the comments.
Specifications Produk |
Judul | Specifications Kabel data micro Luna C152TM cable usb fast charging 2.4A GARANSI RESMI LUNA Juli 2023 |
Harga | IDR 39000 |
Deskripsi | Specifications Model: C152TM Type: Micro usb cable Length: 100cm Output:2.4A Kabel data micro usb Luna dengan box penyimpan yang lucu dan menarik . panjang 100 cm dan mendukung fast charging dengan output 2.4A.HI selamat datang di toko kami 🙂 Kami adalah salah satu Distributor khusus HP Bergaransi RESMI(kami ada TOKO OFFLINE) Barang dijamin ORIGINAL dan barang PASTI BARU semua produk ber GARANSI RESMI dan IMEI TERDAFTAR: PENTING!!! HARAP DIBACA SEBELUM MEMBELI : 1.HARAP CHAT DULU SEBELUM PEMBAYARAN(TANYAKAN YG JELAS KETERSEDIAAN WARNA/GIFT/PROMO/DLL) 2.GRATIS ONGKIR DAN ASURANSI PENGIRIMAN PENGIRIMAN 3.GARANSI TOKO/RETUR BISA DIBACA SYARATNYA DI CATATAN TOKO KAMI(WAJIB ADA VIDEO UNBOXING YANG JELAS) Pengiriman : SETIAP HARI (SENIN-MINGGU) – SAMEDAY sebelum – Jam 3 Sore (Anteraja) – Jam 5 Sore (Gojek/Grab) – INSTAN sebelum – Jam 7 Malam – REGULAR sebelum – Jam 6 Malam – JAM AKTIF : 10:00 Pagi – 19:00 Malam NOTE: – ORDER MAKSIMAL 1 JAM SEBELUM CLOSE ORDER/IKUT ANTRIAN – JNE/J&T DIKIRIM HARI YANG SAMA |
The ending of my article entitled Specifications Kabel data micro Luna C152TM cable usb fast charging 2.4A GARANSI RESMI LUNA Juli 2023 Don’t forget to share as much as possible so that others don’t miss the info from you, spread one kindness will be useful for our brothers, thank you to meet again next time 🙂
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