Samsung Kulkas 2 Pintu 300 L RT29K503JB1/SE - Black Caviar Matt

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Samsung Kulkas 2 Pintu 300 L RT29K503JB1/SE – Black Caviar Matt

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JudulSamsung Kulkas 2 Pintu 300 L RT29K503JB1/SE – Black Caviar Matt
HargaIDR 6249000
DeskripsiWorks longer more quietly & uses less energy
Clearly see everything inside
Big Guard

Works longer more quietly & uses less energy
Digital Inverter Technology automatically adjusts the compressor speed in response to cooling demand across 7 levels. It uses less energy, minimizes noise and reduces wear and tear for longer-lasting performance.

Works longer more quietly & uses less energy
Clearly see everything inside
High efficiency LED lighting is slimmer, cooler and more power-efficient than conventional lighting. Located on the top, it beautifully and brilliantly illuminates every corner, ensuring better visibility.

Clearly see everything inside
Big Guard
The Big Guard makes you store big containers of milk and juice in the door, along with two rows of beverage cans and bottles. The Big Guard is also great for chilling tall drinks bottles.

Color: Black Caviar Matt

WxDxH : 67 x 60 x 164 cm
� 120 Watt



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