Sony Singapore PlayStation NBA 2K23 Michael Jordan Edition PS5

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Sony Singapore PlayStation NBA 2K23 Michael Jordan Edition PS5

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Judul ProdukSony Singapore PlayStation NBA 2K23 Michael Jordan Edition PS5
Harga ProdukIDR 139
Deskripsi Produk
For two decades, NBA 2K has redefined sports entertainment, establishing itself as an important piece of hoops culture by creating basketball video games with an immersive experience in the palm of your hand.
Whether you choose to play as some of the biggest NBA and WNBA stars on the hardwood in PLAY NOW, test your managerial skills within MyNBA (New Gen) or MyGM and MyLEAGUE (Current Gen), collect and assemble a dream team in MyTEAM, or write your legacy in MyCAREER, NBA 2K offers authentic, state-of-the-art gameplay as you dribble, shoot, and slam your way through the league. NBA 2K invites you to compete at the highest level and witness mind-bending realism.
Link TokoShopee


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